Phase Two | Industrial Design | Product Design

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Our Positive Impact

Phase Two was formed in the midst of a global pandemic. We were inspired in adversity to use our design skills and experience to help our clients and partners to make positive social impact through design and innovation.

As well as supporting clients trying to make progressive changes to their businesses, we are embedding the positive impact ethos at the core of what we do.

The first positive impact programme is going to kick off with a “send and mend” service for local infant schools. We will take broken equipment and fix it, meaning they can focus precious school budgets in other areas with the additional environmental benefit of extending a product's lifetime and a great message to children, countering the disposable product culture.

Over time we will grow our positive impact initiatives, utilising a range of our skills for not for profit tasks. All of our partners will be helping enable this activity by engaging with our services.

Why Phase Two?

Good question. For us it is Phase Two of our design careers. Having spent an enjoyable and rewarding combined 37 years at a leading agency, we wanted to challenge ourselves and the Covid pandemic was the perfect catalyst to push us out of our comfort zone. We also feel that there is a wider change happening in how we will co-exist in the future. Where there is change there is opportunity for design and innovation and we want to be a positive part of this.

At Phase Two we are advocates for creating a positive impact both socially and environmentally. Check out our positive impact page to learn more about the initiatives we have implemented.