Interview : Matthew Hall with Mojo Nation

Our Co-Founder Matthew Hall discusses his inspirations, depth of expertise in the toy and games sector and starting a new design company during a global pandemic!

Billy Langsworthy from Mojo Nation Interviews Matthew to discuss his history in the world of toy design and the launch of his new product design agency, Phase Two.

Matthew mentions how, "From a young age I liked drawing and making things… And toys were a big influence! I loved Eighties classics like Action Man, Space LEGO, Star Wars and BMX. I’d regularly go to sleep with my face buried in toy catalogue!"

Billy Langsworthy asks, "How would describe the company?" to which Matthew replies, "Phase Two is currently myself and Lewis Freeman. We met in a lift at Disney’s Hammersmith office many years ago and ended up working together providing product design services for a wide range of clients. Our skill sets complement each other nicely and we have set up Phase Two to provide effective design services in an agile way that suits the future needs of businesses.

We are also keen that Phase Two contributes to making a positive impact not just through our design services but also in our own right. We have some initiatives that will help within the local community and hope that these grow as our business does."

Billy Langsworthy also asks, "You launched in 2020, a brave move for all kinds of reasons. Was it tough starting a business in lockdown?" Matthew answers, "For obvious reasons, 2020 made us consider our aspirations. It felt like now or never and we didn’t want to look back with any regrets. It has come with its challenges, but so far the feedback has been encouraging and we hope to expand in the near future."

To read the full interview, visit Mojo Nation by clicking here >>

design, News, Games, ToysLewis Freeman